Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York unites foster, adoptive and kinship care families, giving them a voice and providing support, information and advocacy. By fostering communication and collaboration between families, agencies and concerned citizens, we seek to ensure the stability, well-being and permanency of all children touched by the child welfare system.


Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York Programs:

Coalition HelpLine
The only statewide, free service designed specifically to assist foster, adoptive and kinship families, related professionals and those wanting to foster or become parents.

Foster & Kinship Care Support
Support to foster and kinship families including our Family Allegation Support Team, Family Court Education and Support, Ombudsman and more post adoption support services.

Parent Support Groups & Mentors
The Coalition supports and coordinates volunteer and agency-led parent support groups for foster, adoptive and kinship parents throughout the state.

Adoption and Guardianship Assistance Program for Everyone
A free, confidential assessment, education, support, referral and brief counseling service available to adoptive and guardianship families, and to professionals who work with adoptive and guardianship families.

Education and Training Academy
We offer several opportunities for families, parent support groups, agencies and professionals to build their skills including our Educational Support Series, Conference and Videos.

Advocacy and Outreach
As the state’s foster and adoptive parent association, the Coalition advocacy focuses on issues that need system-wide attention through legislative and administrative advocacy.

Foster Care and Adoption Conference
The Coalition presents the state’s annual foster care and adoption conference each May in Albany for both foster and adoptive parents, relative caregivers, and professionals.

New York Services Directory
We offer an online online directory of foster care and adoption services that lists adoption agencies, foster care program, therapists and more by county.

Family Information and Resources
We provide foster, kinship and adoptive families in New York State with the information they need to make informed decisions and the resources to help them and their children.