Kong Dog creates a new brand of corn dogs that are trendy, deliciously handmade in unique
and fun flavors!

We all know what a corn dog is but Kong Dog has totally redesigned this favorite by adding different toppings and ingredients making the corn dog an exciting repast. Increase the palate pleasure by adding one of their custom drinks which range from bubble milk tea to strawberry lemonade.

What’s inside of these dogs? Well, there are several choices as to what is at the core:
Beef Sausage
Mozzarella Cheese
Half beef half mozzarella cheese
Chicken Sausage
Plant based sausage

What’s on the outside of these dogs? Here is where the fun starts:
Sweet and savory topping
Crispy bite sized pieces of fried potato
Crispy bite sized pieces of sweet potato
Crunchy fruity rice puffs
Crunchy ramen crumbles
Hot Cheetos crumbs and spicy mayo
Parmesan cheese over marinara sauce
Sweet chili Doritos crumbs over drizzled sweet chili
Sprinkle injeolmi powder & drizzled condensed milk

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