Suggest A Listing For Hudson Valley Sojourner
Thank you for suggesting a Hudson Valley Sojourner business listing. The process is easy and straightforward:
- The business must be located in one of the following New York State counties: Albany, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Saratoga, Sullivan, Ulster or Westchester.
- Suggested listings must have a working website other than social media account(s).
- The suggested listing should not be a government agency, political party or political entity, medical facility or practice, supermarket, house of prayer, casino or chain hotel.
- We will not consider businesses/organizations that promote hate, inequality, illegal activities, gambling, pornography, civil unrest or criminal acts.
- We are really easy, but we reserve the right to NOT list a business or organization without explanation.
Upon approval of a suggested listing, we will notify you and send you a link to the newly created listing.
Complete & Submit The Form
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