Jessie Driscoll grew up in Woodstock NY and studied silversmithing at the Woodstock Guild during many summers of her childhood.

Among her many creative pursuits was jewelry making, something several of her grandparents had also done. From her parents, who are antique dealers, she had learned about “trench art”– the repurposing of found objects like bullet casings and coins into jewelry by soldiers and sailors.

While earning her bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt, Jessie inherited a hoard of coins from her paternal grandfather. He’d had a pet store in the Bronx for many years and had set aside the silver coins whenever he could. It seemed like fate. After completing her degree, she returned to Woodstock and to what she most loved doing. Her mom helped her with the various aspects of starting a business, and soon she was doing weekend crafts shows and selling her work online.

Jessie Driscoll has been hand carving her designs into silver coins for over twenty years. Each year she introduces several brand new designs.


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