The Hudson-Athens Lighthouse, constructed in 1874, is an important historical landmark that guided ships around the Middle Ground Flats on the Hudson River. Managed by the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society (HALPS), the lighthouse is open for tours on the second Saturdays of July, August, September, and October. Visitors can explore the eight-room structure and learn its significance in guiding river transportation.

The tour offers an educational experience, shedding light on the Hudson River’s impact on the development of the surrounding towns and the crucial role played by the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse in ensuring safe navigation for river traffic. With HALPS taking responsibility for the restoration and maintenance of the lighthouse, visitors can appreciate the ongoing efforts to preserve this significant piece of maritime history.

The hazardous conditions posed by the Middle Ground Flats across from the City of Hudson in the late 1860s presented a significant threat to navigation along the Hudson River’s bustling shipping route. After persistent appeals to the United States Congress, a thorough survey was conducted. Subsequently, in 1872, Congress approved an allocation of $35,000 for the construction of the Hudson City Lighthouse, which is recognized today as the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse.
