The Franklin Plaza Ballroom, located in the historic city of Troy, NY, is a highly sought-after wedding venue that offers a range of exquisite ballroom options to cater to the unique needs and preferences of couples. Whether you are planning a grand wedding or an intimate celebration, the ballrooms at Franklin Plaza are designed to create the perfect ambiance for your special day.

Couples can choose to have both the ceremony and reception at the venue or just the reception, depending on their requirements. The Franklin Plaza team also offers custom LED up-lighting at no additional cost, allowing couples to create any atmosphere they desire and transform the space into a magical wonderland.

The professional function consultation team at Franklin Plaza is always available to guide couples through the planning process and ensure that everything is set up according to their specific needs. From setting up the event to offering courteous and polite reception, the team strives to provide exceptional customer service and make sure that every detail is taken care of.

In addition to the ballroom options and custom lighting, Franklin Plaza also offers a range of additional services to make the wedding day unforgettable. The team can help with room accommodations, honeymoon planning, and other special requests to create a personalized experience for the couple and their guests. With its stunning ambiance, exceptional customer service, and attention to detail, Franklin Plaza Ballroom is the perfect wedding destination for any couple looking to celebrate their love in style.