518 Farms grows a year-round crop of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. All growing takes place in a controlled environment; which includes a variety of Oyster, Shiitake, Chestnut, Nameko, Lions Mane, and Reishi!

​Our methods of growing have evolved from using straw to using supplemental sawdust blocks. As any mushroom farmer knows; growing fungus is a fickle business and over the last three years we had our fair share of issues like finding the correct cooling units, heatwaves, and the ever-present danger of contamination.

In the winter of 2019, we were accepted into the Kingston Framers Market and were lucky enough to find another niche of customers eager to try our mushrooms! With the success we had a Kingston we decided to jump in with both feet and try our hand at multiple summer markets. During the Summer market season of 2020 – 518 Farms participated in four locations, adding Saratoga markets to our Cambridge and Kinston locations.

518 Farms Mushrooms

Blue Oyster
The Blue Oy
ster mushroom has a high protein content, several B vitamins, and all of the essential amino acids (Marley, 2009). Its medicinal benefits include promoting anti-tumor activity and lowering high cholesterol. Oyster mushroom fruiting bodies and distillations have been shown to reduce tumor size in several studies on mice, rats, and hamsters (Hobbs, 1995).

Golden Oyster
The Golden Oyster mushroom has a high protein content, several B vitamins, and all the essential amino acids (Marley, 2009). Its medicinal benefits include promoting anti-tumor activity and lowering high cholesterol. Oyster mushroom fruiting bodies and distillations have been shown to reduce tumor size in several studies on mice, rats, and hamsters (Hobbs, 1995).

Reishi Mushrooms
Studied most for its ability to boost the immune system, Reishi extracts stimulate T-cell action, Natural Killer cell activity, and Dendritic cell maturation (Gao, 2004). Other pharmacological effects of Reishi extract include the following: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, promotes anti-tumor activity, and acts as a central depressant to relax muscles.

Nameko Mushrooms
Mushrooms in the Pholiota genus have medicinal qualities that inhibit tumor and microbial growth. In one study conducted on lab mice, polysaccharides taken from Pholiota mycelium reduced the growth of cancerous tumors by about 60% (Ohtsuka et al., 1973). Acting as an antimicrobial, an extract of Pholiota was shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms
Esteemed medicinal an
d edible mushroom. Lion’s Mane is currently being studied for its effects on neural health, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. The mushroom contains a substance called erinacine, which has the ability to catalyze the production of nerve growth factor (NFG) and reduce the effects of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.

Pioppino Mushrooms
Pioppino mushrooms e
xhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. An ethanol extract of the Pioppino mycelium exhibits 82% antioxidant activity (Asatiani et al., 2007). Additionally, Pioppino mushrooms contain compounds that inhibit the COX-2 enzyme, which is an indication of anti-inflammatory activity (Elgorashi et al., 2008). A study examining the best method to extract the beneficial polysaccharides from Pioppinos demonstrated that the mushrooms should be cooked at ninety degrees Celsius for one hour.

Shiitake Mushrooms
In addition to acting as a general immune system booster, Shiitake can be used as a tonic to promote overall liver and kidney health (Marley, 2009). Shiitake also contains high concentrations of the substance eritadenine, which may be beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Chestnut Mushrooms
The Chestnut mushroom has medicinal qualities that inhibit tumor and microbial growth. In one study conducted on lab mice, polysaccharides taken from Chestnut mushroom mycelium reduced the growth of cancerous tumors by about 60% (Ohtsuka et al., 1973). Acting as an antimicrobial, an extract of Chestnut mushroom was shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria including E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus.