Garden Large, a renowned company with four decades of experience, has been dedicated to providing naturalistic landscape design and installation since its establishment in 1984. Specializing in native plants and whole-property residential gardens, the company has served clients from New York’s Hudson River Valley to Boston with exceptional expertise and creativity.

One distinguishing feature of Garden Large is its practice of growing many of the plants used in their landscape design projects. By cultivating communities of native plants and other favored species that thrive in local conditions, the company ensures that its projects are visually stunning and ecologically harmonious. Moreover, the shrubs and trees they offer possess natural outlines, differing from the “shorn” appearance commonly found in commercial nurseries. This dedication to natural aesthetics sets Garden Large apart and underscores their commitment to creating beautiful, sustainable landscapes for their clients.


About Duncan Brine

Duncan Brine, Princeton ‘79, is a principal landscape designer at GardenLarge and a landscape design instructor at the New York Botanical Garden.

“Mr. Brine calls it “structured naturalism.” And it is, of course. But there is also drama at play here: The plants have been given unexpected roles, in unusual places, and the delight comes in seeing what they will do on this ever-changing stage.”

“Mr. Brine shapes a landscape as a filmmaker would a story, conceiving it as an unfolding narrative, he said, “only discovered by moving through space.” With a cameraman’s eye, he knows how to take the evocative long view of a wild black locust grove against the marsh, for example, as well as the close-up. He sees how one plant influences the shape or color of another in its proximity, with its shade or by leaning this way or that.”

– The New York Times, Anne Raver
